TankateoMar 22In Vino VeritasLive Painting: nothing beats it. I sound like a broken record if I say it again: I looove live painting, I love the vibe the people, the...
TankateoJun 17, 2023FRONT: where creative energy meets the creative possibility of an empty shopfrontIn June 2023.In June 2023, weekend shoppers in Perth’s CBD noticed something a little different on offer in a Forrest Place retail store. Surf rolling...
TankateoDec 13, 2020ArtSource Open StudioThe annual Artsource Open Studios was a successful day. Thanks to Christophe Canato, we ended the Spring mentoring Program with the...
TankateoDec 8, 2020SPRING Mentoring Program - ArtsourceOver a three-month period, Christophe Canato our mentor spent 8 hrs with 6 selected mid-career artists to develop new projects and career...
TankateoJun 16, 2015Kanga'Art, Miami Bakehouse, Central ParkKabaret was inspired by comedian Pete Rowsthorn who was my partner in crime during this project. "Think Dean Martin on stage."Peter Said....